

Fogra Forschungsinstitut für Medientechnologien e.V.

First Fogra Decoration Proofing Forum

The first Decoration Proofing Forum was held at the end of February as part of the 9th Colour Management Symposium. Fogra took on the role of referee, and the rules of the game were agreed in advance. Relevant decors were selected, scanned and reproduced by the participating companies Metis, CGS and X-Rite. Fogra measured the originals under controlled sample conditions and compared these measurements with the reproductions (renderings and surface proofs). The world's first image distance metric, which was defined in an ISO standard, SIM-PDE of ISO 24585, was used. It has long been established in décor printing. So, "measuring in the image" is slowly becoming a reality, and Fogra is planning to continue the forum due to the great interest shown.

Exhibitor Data Sheet